Vending machines

Café NDL provides multiple snack and food vending machines of varying temperature ranges (ambient, refrigerated and frozen) that offer more selections and flexibility for enhanced merchandising value.
  • Snack machine
  • Combo snack machine
  • Refrigerated Machine
  • Drink Machines

Offers a large variety of selections and can hold up to 617 items. Sturdy construction and easy and reliable to use.

Snack Machine. Configurations of 5 to 7 drawers. SureVend (magic eye) and with intergrated bill acceptor.

(snack, meal and drink)

Vending machine that can sell everything from cold drinks, dairy products, fresh foods and snacks. Available with 5 to 7 drawers and can be configured many different ways. SureVend(magic eye).

Vending machine that can sell everything from meals, sandwiches, baked goods and much more. Available with 5 to 7 drawers and can be configured many different ways. SureVend (magic eye).


Pepsi machine

Pepsi (Wide)

Coca Cola machine

Coca-Cola Chameleon (Wide)

Dasani Machine

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